How Can I Help?
I specialise in working with people who are learning to love themselves and their life. Often stress, anxiety or depression, and all of their associated symptoms are as a result of a lack of self worth.
We live in a strange world, one that often teaches us that we aren't enough as we are - that we need the better job, bigger house, perfect relationship. This can lead to us feeling lost and confused, doubting ourselves and constantly comparing ourselves to others. The clients I work with are ready to leave this loop for good, ready to start believing in themselves, trusting their instincts, going for what they desire and loving their life.
Below is a list of some of the symptoms, and conditions that I can help with. This is not exhaustive though, so please do get in touch if you have any questions.
Depression/low mood
Anger management
Self esteem and confidence
Sleep problems and insomnia
Decision making
Coping with major life events such as becoming a parent
PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)
Trust issues
Relationship problems